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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 8, 2020

How to Lose 110 lbs in 6 Months - Success Story

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Two sisters who used to binge on unhealthy takeaway food have lost 13 stone in weight between them after ditching chips and kebabs. Toni Fitzgerland, 28, and her older sister Rachel, 33, both from Dingle in Liverpool, loved to eat takeaway food but began to feel depressed about their weight.  Toni, who lived in Benidorm and worked in a nightclub, said she would finish work at 6am and polish off a portion of chips after every shift. The health assistant told the Liverpool Echo : "I would have a chippy all the time and fast food because I was finishing work at 6am, because I worked in a nightclub called Hippodrome in Benidorm.  "I'd be in bed all day till I had to go back to work in the night time." Rachel, a stay at home mum, used to gorge on meals like pasta with cheese piled on, and would come home and eat kebabs or five pieces of toast at once. However, on New Year's Day 2016 Rachel decided to do something about her weight, and re-joined Custom Ke

How to Lose 220 Pounds Fast - Noelle's Success Story

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A woman who hit rock bottom when she realised she was too heavy for her own scales has revealed how she lost 16 stone in just one year. Noelle Dawson, 38, said she knew if she didn't make a change there would be "no more Noelle" and started the keto diet - a popular high fat, low carb regime. The mother-of-five, from Nashville, Tennessee, now users her Instagram account Transforming Noelle to inspire others. Before she started her weight loss journey, Noelle weighed more than 400 pounds Noelle blames her weight gain on a troubled relationship with food, which she says stems from her childhood. As a youngster she was a competitive gymnast and says her coaches enforced a strict diet of no junk food. But when Noelle ditched the sport she began indulging in all the foods she had been banned from eating. She told Barcroft TV: "I knew I wanted to become a mother, we struggled quite a bit and tried for years but still couldn't become pregnant." This ca

How to Lose 55 Pounds Fast - Success Story

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Charlotte is a self-confessed "appalling eater" who loves nothing more than a huge portion of lasagne, chips and garlic bread. She gorges on junk food and takeaways with curry her favourite. Charlotte, who lives in Houston with sister, Lauren, mum, Anne, and dad, Darren, is also partial to a sweets and chocolate and often secretly scoffs food in her car. Every month the family spends a whopping $800 on takeaways.She's learned her eating habits from her dad, who refuses to eat any fruit or vegetables and covers meat and potatoes in gravy. But at 195 pounds, Charlotte is dangerously overweight and her waistline is also having a devastating impact on her confidence. She said: "I'm overweight and it makes me feel unhappy and self-conscious. I never look in the mirror.I feel very fat and very ugly and I would like to feel more confident in myself. I can't wear bikinis, or crop tops, or tight dresses. I would like to change my stomach and my legs and my arms ar

How to Lose 150 lbs Without Surgery- Laura's Success Story

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Laura Cain, 31, gorged on takeaways and scoffed her way through bread, barm cakes, butter, and chocolate, alongside cups of tea every day. But her seven-year-old son inspired her to lose weight so they could "enjoy a longer life together". Laura, who at her heaviest weighed 420 lbs : “I thought I would be dead by now. Never did I think any of this would happen for me. I have always been overweight. I was one of these people who join Slimming World, do it a while then give up. I also tried Weight Watchers, and those awful shake diets. Over the last 10 years, I have struggled a lot with my health." Four years ago, Laura was referred by her asthma consultant to have weight loss surgery. But a doctor told her the operation would not be possible until she lost enough weight. The mum said she tried various ways of losing weight, but was making little headway until 2018 when she began noticing inspiring posts appearing on Facebook by Keto Diet success story. She si

How can I Lose 140 pounds Fast - Victoria's Success Story

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  Victoria Bowen was over the moon when she fell pregnant with her first child. But while she was carrying her first child, Victoria began to eat for two - and didn't stop after she gave birth. By the time she'd had her second baby, the mum-of-two was dangerously overweight and too afraid to get on the scales. Victoria was trapped in the cycle of over-eating but was now so self-conscious about how she looked that she stopped leaving her house. Victoria, from Red Cliffs, Australia, said: "There were days that I ate a block of chocolate after dinner, every day or every second day or however often I wanted it. “If I wanted it, I had it. And then I think those eating habits, which were never my habits before they kind of crossed over into after having the baby after having my first and then they just continue then I just continue to balloon and balloon.” But a heartbreaking moment at a family picnic forced the 28-year-old to step on the scales. Victoria said: "

How to Lose 80 Pounds Fast - Emma's Success Story

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But when the then size 22 children's nanny saw photos of the night she was "mortified" and vowed to lose weight. Emma, from Seattle , admits she has been a yoyo dieter all her life. The 39-year-old says she used to scoff double dinners and biscuits and her weight had reached 245 pounds when the pictures were taken in 2017. She said: "I knew I was big, but the turning point came after seeing myself in a photo from a work Christmas do in December 2017. "I’d felt quite glamorous on that night. I liked the dress I’d bought, so it was quite a shock when I saw the picture and realised how big I was. It felt like every bit of me was bursting out of the dress." And when she visited her GP for a review of her contraceptive Pill, Emma was referred to Keto Diet. She signed up program name Custom Keto. The mum-of-one has now shed a massive 80 pounds and was a slim size 12 when she married partner, Russell Baas in July last year. She said: "The Keto syste

How to Lose 90 Pounds Fast - Susanne's Success Story

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Susanne Coles, 34, ballooned to 244 pounds after stocking up on chocolates from mid-September each year and feasting on takeaways. But she became fed up of being the "fat mum at the school gates" and decided to fight the flab. She said she began gaining weight at college and a physical assault on a night out in her late teens worsened the issue. Recalling previous Christmases, Susanne said: "I’d start getting tubs of Roses and Heroes in mid-September to make sure I had all the treats sorted for me and the family, but I’d buy two tubs a week and eat them all to myself. I’d tell everyone friends or family had called round so I’d opened them to offer round – and I’d have to get some more for us. But the same would happen again... and again." In May 2019, Susanne signed up Custom Keto Diet. She's ditched her McDonald’s breakfasts, fattening snacks and sugary energy drinks for home-cooked meals and healthy treats.  Since then, the mother-of-five has dropped si

How Can I Lose 200 Pounds Fast - Elizabeth's Success Story

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Elizabeth Watkins, 38, struggled to walk or stand when she weighed 370 pounds at her heaviest and cut herself off from the outside world to avoid strangers' stares and pity. The internal recruitment consultant, from Princes Risborough, Buckinghamshire, has since lost an incredible  200 pounds in 10 months. She had struggled with her weight since she was a child, growing up in a mixed Turkish and Armenian family which meant that many traditions and celebrations were marked with food. Elizabeth realised she couldn't carry on as she was and knew she had to change her habits to lose weight to become healthier, so in May 2017 she decided to sign up Custom Keto Diet. This program helped her to lose an impressive 20 pounds  month and after 9 months she continued at just 1,200 calories to lose the rest of the weight. Elizabeth now weighs a much healthier 170 pounds and wears a slim UK size 8. She also found the love of her life and the two love birds have just got engaged.